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Optical diameter gauges

Ultrasound thickness gauges

Spark testers


Cable extrusion

Tube extrusion

Centerless grinding


Custom products

Who we are

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Note: The English version of this site is in a very beginning implementation stage; I have not translated most pages yet. Perhaps you will get more information if browsing with some automatic translator system, as the one in altavista, as it will allow you to visit more pages. I am planning to finish the translation in June / 2000.

We produce some specific types of instruments. Our main products are listed in the left table. They are mainly used to control the diameter and insulator thickness of electric cables and plastic tubes, but many other industrial applications exist - some of them listed here

If you want to search for something in this site, you will find the site map useful, as it shows a list of all pages and whether they are completed.


  • We began selling the new diameter gauge MAP40. We developed this model for diameter control in precision machining, and it offers exceptional repeatability and stability. For diameters up to 35mm, has repeatability of ±0.6µm (for 3 sigma) when measuring moving pieces, at the rate of 2 pieces per second.

Last update:17/05/2000

Home / Comments about this website and our instruments are welcome. / e-mail the tech. dept.
Nazkom Instrumentos Ltda. / tel (11) 5543-7727 / fax (11) 241-8014 / e-mail the sales dept.